
Customize It All

Friday, May 25, 2012

ADD and Writing

This blogspot has not seen activity since April 23 which is not good at all.  Of course I would loose material for this blog if I updated weekly like I used to.  I have been focusing on the digital artwork for my first visual novel Trapped.
Amenti (left) & Unette (right) from Trapped  
 Of course I need to work on the story.  I do not suffer from writer's block.  I know where my story is headed but when I sit down to type my thoughts go everywhere.  Everywhere but the story I need to type.  Maybe I'm not used to typing (I like writing in my notebook more than typing honestly) or maybe I am too busy thinking about my next Ren'py game instead of Trapped.  I need to stop thinking of Trapped as just another Ren'py test.  Ren'py is an easy game engine and I believe I finally have decent enough digital artwork for my first visual novel.

Not to fear...today I finally sat down and started a schedule for myself.  Honestly if I keep to my schedule the story should not take a week to complete.


Obscura said... Reply to comment

Ahhh...the good old writing schedule. Somehow I never follow mine the way I thought I would but it still helps me to have one.

Good to see you updating your progress!

I love the vibrant colors you're using!