Below is Amenti, the main character of Trapped and her emotions. This visual novel is not going to be a long one so the emotions: default, happy, mad, sad, shock, blush (probably won't be used for her), and eyes closed. So far each character will have a sprite that the other characters do not. Amenti may not have a blush sprite but Bryan will have one.

Before there was Remember Me, The Walking Dead (game) and Assissian's Creed (Vita) I used to wonder about the lack of dark skinned characters or characters of African decent in video games. There is still a chance I will get to work at a mainstream video game company someday. I know most mainstream companies are concerned with what sells so most video game characters are made with safe designs in mind. Of course I know the importance of making money but it feels nice being able to experiment.
Interesting design.
@Laura Lewis Thanks
You're welcome ^w^
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