
Customize It All

Friday, February 22, 2013

Opinion on My Wordpress Site

As you all know I have been making a website with Wordpress. I would like to have an opinion on my website as it is right now. I have not made the banner yet which will go on the top of the website. I am thinking of having a drawing of a mermaid in the logo.

I like the colors pink, white, and blue. I was going to make the background pink as pink is my favorite color but I thought that would be too much pink. If I see a video game website with a lot of pink, I assume the games are badly made girl games and I quickly leave the site. So a bit of pink is good enough for me. Please tell me what you think and please ignore the "Purchase and Confirmation" buttons. I was experimenting with plugins for digital downloads.

Trapped is coming a long nicely. I am currently doing the emotion sprites for Amenti since yesterday. Since doing so, I have realized that I barely draw character emotions in general. Adding emotions to the faces of any characters in drawings can make any artwork more lively. I post the finished Amenti sprite in the next blog entry.


Unknown said... Reply to comment

The home button label is too close to the left side of the button.

What about a blue sea like background. Similar to the one on this site, except with outlines of fishes and mermaids?


Unknown said... Reply to comment

I'm not fond of the home button either. I was wondering what a sea theme might look like. You really gave me an idea. Thanks.

Anonymous said... Reply to comment

I'd say pick a different font, it's too narrow. It kind of puts a strain on the eyes.
