I don't know why but I finally came up with the idea to update this website weekly or biweekly.
Below is the fourth sprite of Trapped; Nindel the merman and the last possible romantic interest in Trapped.
This is currently the base and I need to add the emotions for him. I think I did a little better with the line art. I am learning to keep my hand steady and make my lines with quick movements of my wrist on my intuos tablet. Making good line art comes with lots of practice. Aside from being fun, doing these sprites help me practice digital drawing and coloring a lot.
I wonder what my artwork will look like in the future.
In order to become more organized, I brought a notebook and wrote "Dark Siren Games" on the cover. In the notebook I write down the sprites, scenery, special scenes, and whatever progress I need to work on or have already done. Of course I could always use Microsoft Word to document my process like most people who are using a game design document but I have been using pencil and paper since I was young.
Even Though I am transitioning to drawing more in Photoshop, rather than on paper, I guess I will always write my thoughts and stories out on paper before using Microsoft Word.
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