
Customize It All

Monday, July 22, 2013

Bryan Sprite is Done

     Website:    Dark Siren Games

Bryan display

Emotions left to right: default, angry, happy, sad, surprised, annoyed, blushing 1, blushing 2

Bryan is one of the possible romance options for the protagonist Amenti in my visual novel Trapped. He is a young scientist in the undersea lab where Amenti is being held captive.

Three down, four more sprites to go.

I got a bit of a scare last Sunday.  My computer randomly shut down while I was working on Bryan.  Thankfully, Photoshop saved a short while before the shut down so I didn't loose much progress.  The incident did make me start saving my work on my flash drive as well as my computer,  instead of having all of my work on my computer.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Bryan Work In Progress

This blog entry came here
So it’s been awhile since I have updated.  Currently this is what I for the next sprite for Trapped: Bryan.
Bryan human so far Bryan Work in Progress
The full shading and highlighting should be done this week.  The emotions will be done the next week after this week.  I need to stop wondering how to do better line art and coloring.  I’m more focused on delivering the story with this visual novel and generally getting my first project out there.  The next visual novel I make, I want to focus on improving my digital artwork.